Teeth Sensitivity Start in Pregnancy

People typically picture back pain, sore hips, and swollen feet when they think of pregnancy discomfort. You might also experience sensitive teeth, which is a more unexpected symptom. You are not alone, so rest easy! This strange symptom also occurs in other women. But the question is, at what point does this heightened sensitivity begin? We’ll discuss when teeth sensitivity begins in pregnancy in this blog, so don’t worry.

How Does Your Teeth Sensitivity Feel Start In Early Pregnancy?

Your body goes through a lot of changes during pregnancy. Some of these adjustments may give you new and unusual sensations in your mouth. One of them is heightened sensitivity to hot, cold, or sweet foods. The increased blood flow to your gums could make your teeth feel more sensitive. Additionally, your gums might be more prone to bleeding and more tender. These are all typical changes that usually go away after giving birth.

Although teeth sensitivity begins early in pregnancy, it may not become apparent until the second trimester. There are a few things you can try if your teeth are sensitive in order to lessen the pain. Avoiding certain foods and using a soft-bristled toothbrush to brush your teeth can both be beneficial. For the sake of your overall health and well-being, it’s critical that you take good care of your mouth and teeth at this time. Speak to your dentist or healthcare professional if you are bothered by the sensitivity of your teeth or gums.

What Causes Of Sensitive Teeth During Pregnancy?

In general, there are a variety of causes for sensitive teeth during pregnancy. The way your body metabolizes changes during pregnancy, which may cause saliva production to rise. It is possible for tooth enamel to erode due to the increased salivation caused by morning sickness. Additionally, as your child grows, pressure may be placed on a tooth or gum, which may cause sensitivity. Find out if any of the following reasons for sensitive teeth during pregnancy strike a chord with you by looking over them.

Hormonal Changes

While you may appear to be glowing and radiant to others when you are pregnant, your body is actually undergoing a lot of changes. An increase in hormones, one of the major changes, can make your gums more sensitive and inflamed. During the first trimester of pregnancy, your body’s estrogen and progesterone levels typically begin to rise, which can make your gums more prone to swelling and bleeding. These hormone levels will continue to rise throughout your pregnancy, which may cause your teeth and gums to become even more sensitive.

Increased Blood Flow

During pregnancy, your body experiences an increase in blood flow as another change. Your gums may become more irritated and sensitive due to increased blood flow. The increased blood flow may also cause an increase in gum disease. Discuss the best way to take care of your gums during pregnancy with your dentist if you discover this.

Morning Sickness

One of the most well-known signs of pregnancy is morning sickness. But did you know that it can also make your teeth more sensitive? Because morning sickness can cause your stomach to produce stomach acids that can erode your tooth enamel, this is the case. To protect your teeth if you are experiencing morning sickness, be sure to rinse your mouth out with water after each episode.

Gum Disease

Unfortunately, gum disease can become more prevalent during pregnancy. Gum disease is an infection of the gums that can result in redness, swelling, and bleeding. It is crucial to see your dentist right away to have this looked at for the security of both you and your child.

How To Deal With Sensitive Teeth During Pregnancy

There are a few safe medications that you can take to treat tooth pain while you are pregnant. Fortunately, by taking a little extra care and attention, you can keep your teeth healthy and less sensitive for the entire nine months. Here’s how:

Use A Soft-bristled Toothbrush

Use a soft-bristled brush and a gentle touch when brushing your teeth to avoid any unpleasant experiences. Brushing should be done after every meal, not just the morning and evening ones.

Change Your Toothpaste

Try toothpaste made to treat sensitive teeth if you are sensitive to both hot and cold foods. The effect doesn’t start working for a few days, but once it does, you’ll see a significant improvement.

Floss Daily

Traditional floss is useful for scraping the surfaces of teeth and removing food debris and plaque that has become lodged between teeth. However, using a water flosser might be preferable if you have sensitive teeth. In addition to cleaning deeper and removing even more debris than regular floss, this also stimulates your gums for a healthier mouth.

Avoid Foods That Cause Sensitivity

Make a note of anything that hurts your teeth, such as hot coffee, cold ice cream, hot salsa, or sweet candies. Avoid these “trigger foods” until after you have your baby. In order to remove bacteria and food particles from your mouth after eating, be sure to drink a lot of water (at room temperature if necessary).

The Bottom Line

Therefore, tooth sensitivity during pregnancy may appear very early on in the pregnancy or it may develop later as the baby develops and puts pressure on the mother’s teeth and gums. In order to check for underlying issues and provide you with the proper treatment, it is crucial to visit a dentist if you experience any tooth sensitivity while pregnant. Although sensitive gums and teeth are typically nothing to worry about, it is always better to be safe than sorry. We appreciate your time and hope you found this article useful. Please feel free to leave any questions or comments in the section below.