23. Men vs. Women - Who Cheats More1

The prevalence of cheating may surprise you. Don’t blame yourself solely if you’ve been the victim of infidelity in the past. It’s not a one-in-a-million occurrence, and many people have been in your position. But how prevalent is it, and is it a genetic predisposition? Does your gender indicate whether you’ll cheat on your partner?

Men are more likely than women to cheat: according to data from the most recent General Social Survey (GSS), 20% of men and 13% of women reported having sex while married.

Male Or Female, Who Cheats More Often?

Between 2010 and 2016, married or former spouses were surveyed by the Institute for Family Studies (IFS). Men are more likely than women to cheat, according to the General Social Survey, with 20% of men and 13% of women reporting having sex with someone other than their spouse while they were still married.

The gender gap does, however, differ with age. According to data from the same survey, more women than men commit infidelity, with 11% of the women in the surveyed group of married adults ages 18 to 29 admitting to having an affair. Comparatively, only 10% of the males in that age group are guilty. But as the gap moves into the following age group, it reverses.

Men’s infidelity rises among those between the ages of 30 and 39; 14% of the men in this age group who were polled admitted to cheating on their partners, compared to only 11% of women. Cheating has increased in frequency as we age. Infidelity among men is higher in their 60s (24%), and continues to rise until their 70s and 80s (26% of men cheat on their partners at these ages). Contrarily, women’s rates of infidelity peak in their 60s (16%), but they begin to decline as they approach their 70s (13%) and 80s (6%).

Men have historically been more likely to commit adultery than women, according to data from the IFS survey conducted in the 1990s. But during this time, older men exhibit the same propensity for immoral behavior as their younger counterparts. The survey indicates that men’s infidelity peaked between the ages of 50 and 59 (31%). During this time, the number falls as the men get older. The highest infidelity rate for women is between the ages of 40 and 49 (18%), and this rate decreases as women get older.

The highest rate of infidelity among men, however, shifted between 2000 and 2009 to be between the ages of 60 and 69 (29%) and among women, between the ages of 50 and 59 (17%). Men over the age of 80 have admitted to cheating at a higher rate during this time period (from 5% to 12%) compared to the 1990s data.

Only 10% of women reported having an affair, according to an updated report from IFS published in 2020, while 20% of men admitted to cheating. The report indicated that the infidelity rate for both men and women aged 18 to 34 and 65 and older was 16%, with no further breakdown of each age group.

How Long Do Men And Women Wait Before Confessing Their Infidelity To Their Partners?

The Health Testing Centers questioned 441 people who admitted to cheating on their partners in 2021 about how long it took them to tell them.

The poll found that 47.7% of respondents admitted to cheating to their partner within a week. 26.6% of those have waited for a month, and 25.7% took 6 months or longer to tell their partner about the infidelity.

There were 48.8% women and 46.9% men among those who waited for a week. Women made up 26% and men made up 27.3 of those who waited for a month. Finally, 26% of women and 25.7% of men who responded said they waited for at least six months. When it comes to telling their partners the truth, the two genders really don’t differ all that much.

Cheating On Tinder

Many people have developed creative ways to cheat on their partners in this technological age. Dating apps, particularly Tinder, are one of the most popular ways of doing this. A recent study in the journal Computers in Human Behavior found that 18% to 25% of Tinder users are engaged in a committed relationship. In spite of their commitment, the study looked into why people in relationships continue to use dating apps.

According to the study, 42% of US Tinder users who were polled admitted to being married or in a relationship. In a survey of 17,000 Tinder users in the Netherlands, 4% of the men and 2% of the women admitted to using online dating services while in a committed relationship.

The study also cited a survey of American undergraduate Tinder users in which 73.1% of participants said one of their male friends uses the app while in a relationship, and 56.1% said one of their female friends has used Tinder while in a relationship.

Economic Independence: Financially-dependent Men Cheat The Most

A study by the American Sociological Association showed that in heterosexual relationships, the spouse who earns less is more likely to cheat. 15% of financially-dependent husbands will cheat on their wives. Men who make 70% of their household’s total income are the least likely to cheat.

The same study showed that just 5% of women cheat when they are economically reliant on their spouses. A woman is less likely to commit fraud the more money she brings in for her family.

In an effort to determine which industries have the most cheaters, Ashley Madison, a dating site for married people, conducted research. These occupations were found to have the highest rates of cheating: retail and hospitality (8% of men and 9% of women), information technology (12% of men and 8% of women), entrepreneurs (11% of each sex), medicine (5% of men and 23% of women), and trades (29% of men and 4% of women).

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Do Men And Women Cheat Differently?

Each person has a different tendency to cheat, and the motivations are frequently subjective. While studies have found that men are more likely to commit infidelity, this fact does not foretell future behavior and should not be used to anticipate infidelity in romantic relationships.

However, a 2020 study reported in Family Process claims that a dating site made specifically for married couples has seen an increase in membership of 1,500 per day since 2019. The researchers hypothesize that the rise in cases may have been influenced by the COVID-19 lockdown’s increased internet use and marital conflict. To back up this assertion, however, more research is required.

Will Relationships Survive After Cheating?

After cheating, the couple must decide whether to stay together. Some couples are able to move past their infidelity and work through an affair. Others, on the other hand, might find it challenging to regain their partners’ trust and opt to end the relationship. You must examine your feelings in order to determine whether you can move past them and regain your partner’s trust.

Being cheated on is difficult and painful, but relationships can survive infidelity if both parties are willing to move past it. If you find yourself in this predicament, it is best to speak with a therapist to determine whether you can manage to overcome the betrayal and restore the trust. But if your partner refuses to put in any effort, don’t feel obligated to patch things up.

How To Heal After Infidelity

If your spouse has cheated on you, there are many things you can do to move past it and get your life back on track. It’s crucial to find a way to distance yourself from the circumstance and jealousy.

Other actions you can take to speed up your recovery include going to therapy, seeking professional guidance, talking to a trusted friend or family member, keeping busy with enjoyable activities, concentrating on your positive attributes, and changing your routine.

Cheaters Often Re-cheat.

There are many causes for why people who have cheated in the past frequently do it again. One explanation is that they might not have addressed the root causes of their initial instances of cheating.

Another factor might be that they don’t feel regret or guilt over what they did and don’t think cheating is wrong. They might also think that they can cheat again without getting caught.

People who cheat frequently desire to feel desired, loved, and valued. It appears that nothing is wrong when the person being cheated on is unaware.

The cheater might continue to cheat in order to make their partner happy if they can demonstrate that they are unloved by them.


In a relationship, it’s critical to watch out for indications of infidelity. Infidelity frequently begins long before a partner has any physical contact with another person and can manifest as emotional or mental distance from your partner.