7. Is Forex Trading Profitable1

How good are your chances in the forex market in 2022? In this article, we’ll address a crucial query that every new trader has: Is forex trading profitable? Is it possible to profit from trading foreign exchange?

You must first comprehend the market and the key success factors in order to stand any chance of making money in the Forex market. Undoubtedly, trading forex can be profitable. The following three elements are crucial to take into account if you want to trade Forex profitably.

Is Forex Trading Really Profitable?

Many people become interested in forex trading as a “get rich quick” scheme. However, unless you’re a currency trader with off-the-charts skill, forex trading won’t make you rich. As we mentioned above, trillions of dollars exchange hands on the forex market every single day. And that’s why the most knowledgable traders make billions — with “the most knowledgable” being the operative phrase here.

Terrorisms of dollars exchange hands on the forex market every single day, as we’ve already mentioned. And that’s why the most knowledgable traders make billions — with “the most knowledgable” being the operative phrase here.

Since 68% of all forex investors report net losses at the end of the year, the majority of forex traders actually experience financial losses. There is another way to look at that, though, and that is to say that every third trader makes money. And that is the position you want to be in.

How Much Do Forex Traders Make?

Contrary to a traditional paycheck, there is no cap on the amount of money you can make if you put in the necessary effort in forex trading, which is one of its biggest benefits. There is another side to that, though, since your income is not fixed and fluctuates depending on a number of variables.

Furthermore, don’t let this information or the reality of losing traders demoralize you; there are numerous examples of players who started out with modest resources and went on to make a tidy profit. Chinese trader Chen Linkuy began his work with just $100, and within a short period of time, he had earned $100,000.

There are many different aspects to this story. Due to the high risk of his trading strategies and the obvious large amount of leverage he used, Linkuy’s trading did not adhere to the money management guidelines for forex trading. His success is not singular, though.

There are a lot of similar stories of forex fortune that aren’t made public, but you can find many people who made $1,000 to $10,000 with modest starting capital. In fact, wealthy people with high incomes like Linkuy rarely write about their achievements because doing so invites tax audits or exposes their tactics.

Trading Strategy for Profitable Forex Trading

You must follow a specific strategy if you want to trade forex profitably. There is no right or wrong way to trade; what matters is that you choose the strategy that works best for you.

You may occasionally discover that a trading strategy performs well for a particular currency pair in a particular market, whereas a different strategy performs well for the same pair in a different market or under different market conditions.

Profitable Forex trading requires a high level of discipline. A strategy aids in maintaining focus and preventing emotional trading, which has been the downfall of many traders. With experience, your own strategy will develop.

Beginners are advised to trade for a while on a demo account to gain experience and comprehend how the market functions. You will be nearer to making money in Forex once you have the right mindset, effective risk management, and a strategy that works for you.

Do I Need a Lot of Money to Make Good Forex Profit?

In the forex market, trader profits are rarely expressed in precise dollar amounts; instead, they are typically shown as a percentage of your initial deposit. Additionally, each trader category’s profit percentages have unique subjective evaluation criteria that are used to determine success. Logically, a 1% profit per day is not much money for a new trader with a small deposit, but for top traders from global banks who manage enormous deposits, it can mean millions or billions of dollars.

Additionally, your leverage and volume, or the number of lots you trade each day, have an impact on your earnings. As leverage increases, investment risk also rises because your profit and leverage change or increase in line with one another.

For example, a very high-risk strategy combined with a lot of leverage can result in earnings of $3 to $15 per day on a deposit of $10, but that’s a level of success that few traders can hope for.

In conclusion, a trader’s profits are unquestionably influenced by the deposit they are using and their leverage. As a result, your ability to forecast the short-term state of the global economy will become increasingly important because that is where you will find the information and insights that will affect your market predictions. The more you invest, the more you’ll make; however, a sizable down payment is insufficient by itself.

How Forex Leverage Affects Your Profits

Leverage can frequently reach 100:1 on the forex market. Simply put, this leverage allows you to trade up to $100,000 for every $1,000 that is actually in your account, making it easier to understand. It is a helpful financial tool for traders who want to increase their market exposure beyond the amount of their initial deposit.

Leverage is useless, though, if you are unaware of all the risks it entails. In essence, leverage makes trading losses more obvious than gains; as a result, it can be fantastic when you’re winning and potentially disastrous when you’re losing. You run a higher risk of losing money the more leverage you use on your capital.

Example of Unprofitable Leveraged Forex Trade

We’ll use an example to demonstrate the dangers of using leverage in forex trading. Think about a trader who had a $10,000 initial investment and was using a broker who required a 1% margin deposit. They examine their available options, and their analysis leads them to believe that the USD/EUR is about to peak and will soon begin to decline. Therefore, at 1.20, they decide to short USD/EUR.

Here is where leverage is useful. The trader will be able to short USD/EUR by $500,000 rather than just $10,000 if they decide to use 50 times their real leverage in this particular trade.

What happens then if the USD/EUR rises to 1.21 rather than falling, as the trader had predicted? They would drop significantly by $4,150, or significant 41.5% of the trader’s total deposit.

Example of Profitable Leveraged Forex Trade

Leverage, as we’ve already mentioned, can be great if you use it wisely because it can greatly increase your deposit for a particular trade. Say there is a significant change that brings the USD/EUR rate from 120 to 110.

If a trader chose to short the USD/EUR by $5,000 at 1.20 and then close out their short position when the index reached 1.10, they would have made a meager 8.33% profit, or about $500. However, if they chose to use a leverage ratio of 50:1, they would profit greatly by 416.67%, or $25,000, instead.

What Forex Strategy is the Best to Make Profit

Numerous descriptions of various forex trading strategies are available. A single trading tactic or strategy can be difficult to choose because there are so many different ones available. The most likely way for you to profit, however, is revealed by research on the kinds of trading strategies preferred by successful traders.

It is extremely beneficial for other forex traders, especially newcomers, to learn from the experiences of more seasoned colleagues. A survey of thousands of successful traders has yielded some objective data showing what the best traders that work with top brokers prefer in terms of trading strategies:

  • 31% prefer swing trading
  • 28% go with the follow position strategy
  • 27% resort to intraday trading
  • 14% prefer scalping

In terms of how long traders hold open positions, these are different strategies. There are other ways to distinguish them, such as based on how they relate to current trends. In terms of trends, we can divide forex strategies as follows:

  • Trading only in the current trend’s direction and closing trades as soon as the trend movement ends are known as “trendline strategies.”
  • countertrend strategies, in which positions are opened against the direction of the trend and are closed once the pullback is complete.
  • Trades made during price movements in a narrow range, just as the price is beginning to consolidate, are known as sideways trades. If the trend begins to pick up steam once more, these trades are closed.

When it comes to this division among strategies, surveyed trades have said they use:

Strategies from the perspective of trendsPercentageNumber of votes
Sideways trend31%744

As you can see, predictably, most successful traders prefer to “play it safe” and follow mainstream trendline strategies.

What Are Currency Pairs the Best to Make Profit

The forex market offers thousands of different trading options, but currency pairs are unquestionably the most crucial ones. It’s difficult for a new trader to choose the best currencies at first, of course, given the wide variety of currencies available.

On the one hand, there are people who prefer sticking to USD/EUR as the most liquid currency pair — while others swear by more “exotic” currency pairs, which are a more volatile option. There is a lot of discussion regarding the best currency pairs for profitable forex trading, but there isn’t really a universally applicable solution.

Some experts contend that the most profitable currency pairs are those with high volatility. Others think that the significant risk involved in making such investments is simply not worth it. Furthermore, some people prioritize liquidity when evaluating currency pairs, while others place the highest value on volatility.

Ultimately, observing what successful traders do is the best way to decide which options are the safest and most profitable. The EUR/USD pair is the object of the vast majority of transactions, according to data from the Bank of International Settlements (BIS). It accounts for 27.95% of the total trading volume for financial instruments.

After that, the other popular pairs are:

  • USD/JPY at 13.34%
  • GBP/JPY — 3.57%
  • AUD/USD — 6.37%
  • EUR/GBP — 2.78%
  • EUR/JPY — 3.93%
  • GBP/USD — 11.27%
  • EUR/AUD — 1.8%
  • NZD/USD — 4.08%
  • USD/CAD — 5.22%
  • AUD/JPY — 2.73%
  • USD/CHF — 4.63%

As you can see, the majority of the currency pairs with the highest trading volume involve transactions involving the US dollar and another significant global currency. These currency pairs are the most liquid ones, according to analyses of global trading volume data.

As a result of the significant liquidity of these currencies, these currency pairs also have very moderate volatility (with the exception of USD/CAD and GBP/USD), which doesn’t exceed 100 pip per day.

How to Profit from Forex Trading

Answering the question, “Is forex trading profitable?”, is rather simple.

You must buy low and sell high in order to trade Forex and make money. One of the best things about the forex market is how simple it is to sell assets without actually owning them in addition to buying them.

Of course, if profitable Forex trading were that simple, there would be millions of online traders making six figures every day. Contrary to popular belief, the reality is quite different. It’s a challenge to start making money with Forex because the majority of traders actually lose money.

The fundamentals of risk management, trading psychology, and forex trading are covered below. Although it can be helpful, adhering to these principles does not necessarily ensure that you will succeed in making money in this incredibly large and volatile market. You won’t be able to make money in Forex without having a solid foundation. Let’s examine these key features of profitable Forex trading:

A Stop-Loss Should Always Be Used

You should always have a stop-loss in place, regardless of your trading strategy.

What is a Stop-loss?

You can set the closing price of your trade using this trading parameter, and the trade will be automatically closed at that price. To put it another way, once you have set a stop-loss, you can relax knowing that you won’t lose more than you anticipate.

Given that there are times when the market behaves erratically and price gaps are visible, this may not always be the case. In the event of a price gap, your stop-loss order will be filled at the next available price rather than the level you had specified, which could lead to slippage.

Keep Your Emotions Aside

Although it may seem straightforward, this is vitally important. An investor’s worst enemy is emotion.

Some people try to think of trading as a game in which they have to beat the market, and once they start to lose this game, their nerves start to fail them. First and foremost, trading is not a game and should never be approached that way. Analysis and discipline are combined in the exciting activity of forex trading.

Here are the key points to remember:

  • Never get angry at the market
  • Never be worried about your losing positions

Instead, you should simply comprehend them, rely on your analysis, and adhere to the guidelines you have set for yourself. The secret to making money with forex lies in this.

Every trader’s experience can be ruined by emotions, so it’s critical to keep them separate from your trading. Avoid trading if you’re feeling down. Additionally, you should refrain from trading if you are overly happy or excited. Big losses can occur when you have excessive confidence in your trading.

Stay Tuned in With the Current Market Issues

How can Forex trading be profitable? One way is undoubtedly to stay current with news releases. Many market movements are caused by news and announcements or by the anticipation of news and announcements.

Fundamental trading describes this. You must be certain that even if you are a technical trader, you are still paying close enough attention to fundamental events because they are a major factor in market movements.

To put it another way, make sure to check the Forex calendar and see if your trade is in line with the most recent news if you have a reliable trading strategy and all of the technical indicators point to a long trade. Fundamental news can alter the course of events even if your technical setup functions like a clock.

7. Is Forex Trading Profitable2

5 Tips for Profitable Forex Trading

If you want to achieve truly profitable forex trading, you need to keep a couple of things in mind:

Choose a Reliable Broker

In addition to a broker’s legitimacy, you should consider the types of trading instruments, level of expertise, risk diversification opportunities, and types of accounts they allow you to open.

Learn Risk Management

In order to succeed in forex trading, proper risk management is crucial. Having a long-term perspective is the only way to win, and if you don’t, you’ll probably end up losing constantly. But if you develop good risk management skills, none of the losses will be crippling, and you’ll be able to bounce back quickly. In order to avoid burning out and to protect your capital, you shouldn’t overly rely on leverage, especially in the beginning.

Don’t Overtrade

Given the wealth of information available online about forex trading, it is simple for newcomers to get caught up in overly complex strategies where they are likely to make numerous mistakes. It’s best to stick to swing trading and similar strategies for beginners because you won’t be making a ton of trades all at once. These are much simpler to manage at first.

Take Time to Prepare Yourself Mentally

The degree of mental capacity needed for the work is one of the aspects of forex trading that people occasionally ignore. As a trader, you must understand that losing money occasionally is just a necessary part of the job. You must mentally prepare yourself for a string of setbacks and continue to move methodically in the direction of a gain.

Learn All the Time

If you treat forex trading as a part-time hobby, you’ll probably continue to lose money. Instead, you must be ready to devote a substantial amount of time to the task. Treat it like a school and a business at the same time; adopt a mindset that learns from every action and every trade.

The Most Profitable Forex Traders in History

George Soros

The most well-known forex trader and financier in the world is without a doubt George Soros. He fled Nazi Hungary and started his career in post-World War II London. He worked for a number of different companies before starting his own business in 1970. But in 1992, when his trading destroyed the Bank of England and netted him a tidy $1 billion profit, he began to rise to international fame.

Andy Krieger

After leaving the Salomon Brothers in 1986, Andy Krieger rose to prominence as a trader. His subsequent work at the Banker’s Trust earned him enormous capital limits — $700 million as opposed to the customary $50 million — demonstrating the faith his employers had in him. The New Zealand dollar, which Krieger correctly believed was vulnerable because of a panic in global financial assets, was the currency that he shorted. This was Krieger’s biggest gain.

Bill Lipschutz

Another well-known forex trader who worked for Salomon was Lipschutz. He joined the business just as the 1980s forex market was beginning to take off and gain enormous popularity. His success came quickly, and in a matter of years, he was able to bring in $300 million for the business. He took over as the company’s primary forex trader in 1984 and remained in that role until 1990, when he left to work as a portfolio manager at other companies.

Is Automated Forex Trading Profitable?

You may be wondering why automated trading shouldn’t be used in the Forex market after hearing about automated trading (EAs). There are many EAs that advertise daily returns of 100% when looking for an automated trading bot.

These EAs may occasionally turn a profit. Because they concentrate on aspects of Forex trading that rely on technical analysis, EAs occasionally make money. However, many of these bots scalp the market, which means they set a broad stop-loss and profit from small gains, which can result in catastrophic losses for a trading account during a losing streak.

Scams are prevalent in the Forex market, which is the biggest drawback of automated trading systems. The people who create EAs are the ones who profit from them consistently.

Learning some tried-and-true strategies and honing your own expertise with them over time is the best way to make money trading forex. If you adhere to the guidelines given above, you can improve your trading and loss-mitigating abilities as a Forex trader with time and effort.

How to Start Forex Trading for Beginners?

Choose a Reputable Forex Broker

Never make a hasty decision when selecting a forex broker. Consider all of your options carefully. You may eventually begin making significant financial commitments via the brokerage’s platform. While looking for and evaluating providers, consider critical points such as:

  • Security and legitimacy–You don’t want to give a shady broker access to your financial data. To make sure the platform is trustworthy, it’s a good idea to check if it has registered with a regulatory body.
  • Transaction costs–You should shop around for the lowest brokerage fees because you will always have to pay a commission or transaction fee. Keep in mind that you might have to choose between affordability and security.
  • Easy deposits and withdrawals–It should be simple to access and withdraw your profits from a reliable forex broker.
  • Ease of use–Beginners in forex trading may find it challenging enough. Select a broker who offers a user-friendly trading platform with all the information you require to get started.
  • Customer service–You want to know that a support system is in place in case you run into technical difficulties. Prior to using a platform, it is essential to review the customer service options offered by that platform.
  • Additional Services– Some brokerages might provide extra benefits like low spreads, negative balance protection, and VPS hosting for nonstop trading.

Your trading experience will be significantly easier if you take the time to find a reliable broker.

Start With Demo Trades

You will have the choice to practice using demo trades and real money on many broker platforms. It takes away the risk while giving you access to everything you require to begin learning about the procedure.

Take note of how you react when you win or lose money as you explore your demo account. It’s important to exercise discipline to prevent excessive losses because it’s simple to become overeager when things are going well. You will learn how to manage risks from this experience.

Take your time during the demo period. Instead, make use of the time to experiment with different methods and learn new strategies. Additionally, you can experiment with currency pairs to gain experience with various tools and trade types.

Even though it might be tempting to start trading right away, hold off until you can consistently make money on the demo account. Your persistence will bear fruit.

Use Micro Accounts

You can learn a lot about forex trading with a demo account. It’s not quite the same as risking your hard-earned money when you use fake money, though. Start with a micro account that only allows you to make smaller trades when you’re ready to leave the demo trading environment.

Every loss has a very real effect on your finances once you begin putting your own money on the line. More will be taught to you about ethical trading than you can from books, self-help manuals, or demo accounts.

Don’t take too many chances at this time. Before using leverage or selecting highly volatile currency pairs, it’s essential to develop a deeper, more practical understanding of Forex trading for beginners. Even though some of these choices may be profitable, you’ll benefit significantly more and more frequently if you base your choices on actual, useful research and insights.

Take Time to Learn

Forex trading for beginners can be extremely complex, so take time to educate yourself on the various terms, markets, probabilities, and strategies. You can look for online manuals and video tutorials in addition to the training materials that your broker may have.

Research Currency Pairs

Understanding currency pairs is crucial before you begin trading. Those traders who know which opportunities offer the best ROI and which to avoid have a wide range of opportunities at their disposal. One of the most reliable pairs to start with is EUR/USD, which is regarded as one of the most stable.

Trading more volatile combinations is possible once you feel comfortable trading a variety of currency pairs. A handy economic calendar is also a smart idea if you want to keep track of the most recent reports and statements and anticipate changes in price.

Advantages of Investing in Forex

You can diversify your portfolio first with its assistance. The majority of investors focus primarily on stocks and bonds. Forex is a typical option for portfolio diversification.

Second, enthusiastic news and statistics will aid in the development of trading strategies centered on news releases, elections, and other current affairs.

Third, you can trade at any time. In contrast to the stock market, which has set hours, forex markets are typically open. You don’t have to wait for the markets to open up because some forex platforms allow trading around-the-clock.

Disadvantages and Risks on Investing in Forex

The first is that these markets have high volatility and news spreads quickly among forex traders. Compared to markets for stocks and bonds, forex markets are frequently more volatile, which means they can change quickly and unexpectedly.

Second, the forex market is challenging to forecast. When investing in the U.S., you can rely on business advice, financial reports, and other data to make future projections. stocks. Because there is less time to prepare, forex markets can experience large swings.

The fact that investing in foreign currencies is extremely risky has already been brought up, but it is still important to emphasize this. You must finance your account before you can start trading forex. Make sure the money is something you can afford to lose if things don’t work out as planned.

Forex is a thrilling market to invest in, but the investment landscape is a more specialized area. New investors should start with less risky assets before splurging on currencies.

Like any investment, there are risks and rewards in forex trading. You can consider each option before making a decision. Forex trading promises enormous rewards if you take the time to learn it thoroughly and begin trading regularly. The potential for substantial financial gain is the main attraction for many investors.

Additionally, it is accessible to regular investors who can exchange small sums of money at any time of day. All investors trade on an even playing field, whether they are a single investor or a multinational corporation. Nobody has the power to regulate the market.

Risk management is ultimately the key to successful trading. Make an effort to start your trade off on the right foot. Review your trading strategy, tweak it, and try it again.


Here, there is no unbreakable law. The question of how to make money in Forex is one that many people are searching for a clear answer to., and most of them end up using Forex signal providers. While it’s simple to get started trading Forex in this manner, it’s unlikely that it will be profitable over the long term. The important thing to keep in mind is that, in order to be profitable on the Forex market, you should primarily have more winning trades than losing ones.

Of course, this only applies if the level of your take-profit is the same as the level of your stop-loss. We can say that to be profitable in Forex, you need to make more correct moves than incorrect ones in order to better convey this message and make it fit into your trading strategy.

Is Forex Trading Profitable – F.A.Q

Due to some uncertainties, you might not be ready to dip your toes in the water of forex trading. Our purpose is to make those clear. If you begin your Forex journey, you’ll have the opportunity to learn something new every single day for the ensuing years.

Knowing the right information is essential, and by carefully reading the following FAQ, you’ll undoubtedly learn vital information that will support your decision-making as you embark on your Forex trading journey.

Can You Make a Living Trading Forex?

Forex trading can be profitable but it is important to consider timeframes. In the short term, such as when measured in days or weeks, it is simple to be profitable.

Why Forex Traders Fail and Lose Money?

Overtrading – either trading too big or too often – is the most common reason why Overtrading may be the result of irrationally lofty profit objectives, a market addiction, or insufficient capitalization, which is why so many forex traders fail.

How to Make Money in Forex Without Actually Trading?

Forex PAMM/RAMM/MAM accounts. Another means to earn from forex without active trading is through managed accounts. AKA Percent Allocation Management Module or Percent Allocation Money Management, PAMM is a shorthand for these two terms. Putting money into a PAMM account can yield enormous profits.

Is Forex Trading Good for Beginners?

Without a doubt, choosing Forex is a good option for new traders, and with the right information, you can start making money well before you anticipate. By using the appropriate information and tactics, there is much to enjoy and you can make enough money. The main thing is that learning to trade is simpler than you might think.

What’s the Difference Between a Demo and a Live Trading Account?

Accounts for demo trading are very beneficial. With these demo accounts, you can practice trading as a beginner and, most importantly, execute your strategies without taking any financial risks.

In terms of the trading platform, charting, and instruments, a demo account is exactly like a live account. We’ll say it again: the only distinction is that you trade with fake money when using a demo account.

Can You Get Rich by Trading Forex?

There is no ceiling to how much money you can make on the forex market, so of course you can. Additionally, we concur that wealth can be attained in a very short amount of time. However, the rate of becoming wealthy is much higher in the stock market, though there is still plenty of juice in forex!

Which Currency Pair is Most Profitable in Forex?

However, there is no precise response to this. Flow and timing on the market are the only factors that matter. When it comes to forex, the currency resembles a teeter-totter (the see-saw that we used to enjoy on the playground as children).

The main recommendation is to only trade with the major currencies—of which there are eight: USD, EUR, CAD, JPY, CHF, GBP, AUD, and NZD—in order to play it safe.

Can You Make Money With IML?

You can definitely make money with iMarketsLive (IML), just like with any MLM. The chances here, however, seem slim. Here, the products themselves are the main issue. You are expected to spread the word about a package of software with this business that could enable people to make money through trades. Additionally, there is an equal chance of financial loss.

Can I Be a Part Time Forex Trader?

You can work for however long you want once you have the fundamental knowledge. You have the option of working as a full-time, occasional, or part-time trader. For those with the necessary skills, there are a ton of fantastic jobs in forex available. You can accelerate your mastery, though, by working full time.