How To Clean Up Blood: Step-by-step Guide

Blood cleanup is never an easy task, whether you’re a resident of a residential property or work in a commercial environment. Knowing how to clean up blood will guarantee that your surroundings are free from the risk of disease, even though it is not a task for the weak of the heart. Here, we outline 8 steps to effectively clean up blood stains and spills so that your environment is safe and spotless.

Step-by-step Guide

Use the Correct Protection

It’s critical to compile the appropriate protective gear before you begin cleaning up. To protect your hands from illness, always put on a pair of protective gloves. Additionally, it’s a good idea to put on safety glasses or goggles. To avoid getting any fresh blood on your clothes or work uniform, wear an apron or other protective clothing.

Spot Any Dangers

Identify any potential hazards, such as broken glass, in the area before you start. With a dustpan and brush, start by cleaning the area around the blood stain.

Cover the Spillage With Towels

Put some paper or regular towels over the bloody area to absorb the liquid. To enable the towels to absorb the most blood possible, you might want to place a heavy object over them.

Use Disinfectant

After that, take the towels off and clean the spill with disinfectant. Wait at least ten minutes before removing this. After the allotted time, use a towel to scrub the area, working your way from the outside toward the center. You can use a bleach solution, which is made up of 9 parts water to 1 part bleach if you don’t have a disinfectant.

Dispose of the Towels

A designated biohazard bag should contain the towels. You shouldn’t throw these towels in with your regular trash.

How To Clean Up Blood: Step-by-step Guide

Clean With Damp Towels

After another ten minutes have passed, add more damp towels to the area where the spill occurred. Any residue and disinfectant leftovers are helped to be removed in this way. In a biohazard waste bag, combine the towels with the rest of your safety gear after completing this step.

Decontaminate the Immediate Area

Decontaminating the area around the spill is always important, even if there are no obvious blood splatters in sight. Clean any reusable tools for ten to fifteen minutes using a disinfectant. Rinse the area with fresh, clean water.

Assess Your Skin and Clothing

Check your skin and clothing to make sure no blood has gotten on them. Use a small amount of cleaning solution to spot-treat any that you find on your body before taking a hot, soapy shower. Use warm water and disinfectant soap to thoroughly wash your hands after spot cleaning. Ensure that you also clean the area around your nails. Don’t try to clean any towels in the washing machine, and properly dispose of any biohazard waste.

How to Clean Up Blood Stains

Remove Blood Stains from Carpet Or Upholstery

It’s always a good idea to clean up any blood before it dries, but sometimes that’s not possible, especially if you weren’t looking for it or didn’t have the time. Use a potent stain remover as soon as possible. Try using a natural remedy if you don’t have one on hand. Mix two cups of white vinegar, four tablespoons of baking soda, and two cups of warm water for this. Apply this mixture to the stain, then wait five to ten minutes before removing it. Use a clean, slightly damp cloth to blot the surface dry.

A small amount of hydrogen peroxide is an alternative. Apply the bloodstain to a sponge, and then dab. Wait until there is a bubbling effect. After five minutes, wipe it off with a fresh, dry cloth.

Remove Blood Stains from Clothing

Apply directly or combine with water when using a stain remover. Leave colored clothing out for an hour, and leave white clothing out for at least five hours. Next, proceed with your washing machine’s regular cycle. Additionally, if you’d like, you can add an additional stain remover to your machine.

Remove Blood Stains from Sheets Or Bedding

Clean the stain with a wet sponge after rinsing it in cold water. Add a stain remover to the water, then let it sit for a while. After that, wash the bedding or sheets in the washing machine according to normal using your regular detergent. You can use a different stain remover in your washing machine in this case.


Blood is one of the most dangerous materials to remove, so it shouldn’t be treated lightly. You should treat blood spills seriously and respond appropriately rather than simply wiping them off or cleaning them with nothing more than a damp cloth.

Implementing and communicating this eight-step process for cleaning up the blood will help to ensure the safety of those you work with. It’s crucial that you call a biohazard cleanup company to conduct a thorough cleaning of the area if you have a blood spill that is beyond your ability to clean up or was caused by criminal activity.